Twitter ye’ not

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

Hello again…

Brrrrrrr! It is currently -14 here in Britain and we are struggling to keep warm!

Amid the snow shovelling and skating around the roads on four wheels, I have attempted to spend some time on developing my social media platform. Everywhere I look, I am being told that it is essential as a new writer to  build up my on-line profile and ignore this at my peril.

I have always been an internet addict anyway, but it is only now that I am dipping my toe into the dreaded ‘p’ pond and attempting to create an online persona.

It’s hard to know where to start! Twitter, Facebook, Google, MySpace, Wattpad, Smashwords, Amazon (I could go on!)… how much is too much? I find it hard enough to keep up with this blog, update a web-site, hold down a full-time job and promote Sugar & Spice, let alone update one or all the above! So, is it manageable?

Do you pick one or two of these media giants and stick to to keeping them updated with your pearls of wisdom, or is it better to have a presence on all of them?

And most importantly, when am I supposed to actually write? 😉


Writer, dreamer, pantser.

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